Saturday, November 10, 2007

11 Days till Thanksgiving

I am thankful for...
  1. The natural bond that exists between fellow believers in Christ.
  2. A whole day spent with Jordan.
  3. Pumpkin Spice Cappuccino.
  4. Outlets and malls.
  5. Good deals on cute clothes!
  6. Qdoba's chicken queso burritos...yum!
  7. The fact that I am currently beating Jordan in our game of Facebook Scrabble. :)
  8. Music...can you imagine life without it?!
  9. That good tired feeling you get after a fun, full day.
  10. A husband who actually likes driving...I rarely have to drive anywhere, and I love that!

1 comment:

Charity Dawn said...

Fun posts Jenn! A good reminder to be thankful!