About a week and a half ago, Jessica had another check-up at Mayo Clinic. It was just the routine stuff, and they took a blood test to see if she was in remission yet since she's been responding so well to the medication they've given her for her leukemia. Last week we got the results back that she is finally in remission!! :D Praise the Lord!!!
When Jess was diagnosed with leukemia just before Christmas, 2006, it was such a frightening thing. Honestly, I didn't know much about leukemia...the first thing that popped into my head at the word were those little cans of change you always see at the cash registers at gas stations and grocery stores with a picture of a little kid so sick with the disease. It was scary to start doing research about it and learn about this thing that had just changed our family so much. I think the hardest part was just not knowing what to expect. Thankfully, God has allowed doctors to make huge advances in treating leukemia, especially if it is caught in its early stages. Jess' leukemia was caught very early through another work of God and her body has responded so well to the medication the doctors have given her. So, we are just so thankful for God's goodness to our family once again! Not that there won't be battles yet to face on down the road...but we know that God will carry us through them as He has already done so many times! Praise God with us, and keep praying for Jess! :)
How very exciting! We are praising God with you! And what a BEAUTIFUL picture of Jess! Wow...she's stunning there! :-)
God is so gracious and so worthy of our praise! What a blessing!
!!Stunning Indeed!!
Rejoicing with you!-Mom H.
You said it all so well, Jenn. I am so very grateful, and praising the Lord with you all. Jessie, you are a marvelous and beautiful testimony of God's grace. To God be the glory for all He has done, and all He is doing in our family! Thank you, Lord! Gr'ma
thank you, jenny for your sweet post! i love u! and thank you to everyone who has been praying and who continues to pray - it really mean so much! i am so thankful to God for what He has done in my life and for the loving friends and family he has surrounded me with!
definitely some of the best news i have heard in my life! last thursday when she told me it brought tears to my eyes - mostly because it's such a direct answer to prayer, and know God is right here with us through thick and thin is such an encouragement in my christian walk.
love you girls!
Praise the Lord! This post made me cry! The Lord is faithful. I'm so glad that He is in control. Love you guys!
Jenn, is this your sister? I am Kari's friend and my son has Lymphoma, which is very similar to Leukemia. Praying for her healing.
Yes, Tonya, Jessica is my youngest sister. Thank you for praying for her! I'll pray for your son too! ~Jenn
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