Friday, November 14, 2008

Favorite Things Friday

Almost didn't get around to Favorite Things today! :P I'll have to post a synopsis of how my day went ended up being one of those days that looked like everything was going to go perfectly and then suddenly went upside-down! Anyway, it's all working out in the end, so that's good! :)

I just have a few random Favorites for today:

One of my favorite things about our backyard is this tree that's right next to our deck. The berries are so pretty!

Another favorite thing about our house that I just wanted to mention is the heating vent located right under the kitchen sink. My feet stay nice and warm while I wash the dishes! :)

I also must mention my laundry chute as a favorite thing today! I feel a sort-of childish fascination with it, and a little bit of a thrill every time I throw something down there!

A big favorite of the day is being able to do laundry in my own house with my own machines! Yes, we finally found a set to buy this afternoon, and Jordan got them hooked up this evening. Hurray!

And this is my favorite picture from this past week. I forgot to mention that we bought this truck almost two weeks ago (I know, can you believe I would leave out such an important detail of our lives?!). It's a '79 Dodge (I posted that for any random males who might be interested in that stat...sorry, but that's about all I know about it!). It's a great old truck, and Jordan claims that it has officially ushered us into Iowegian redneck-hood. Well, maybe him, anyway! Haha! I do think it's pretty tough and rugged-looking - a good fit for my tough, rugged man! ;)

1 comment:

jules said...

hahaa! you have a foot vent just like mom! so is the truck loud?? sometimes oldies are, just wondering :) old trucks are so fun!