Wow, I have so many great pictures from Christmas, I'm not really sure where to even start! We had a lot of fun with Jordan's family again at Christmas this year. We drove over Christmas Eve day in a big rain storm. It was just POURING out! We were afraid that it was going to turn to ice, so we left pretty early in the afternoon to stay ahead of the colder temperatures. Grandma & Pa came over for dinner and Serena got to open her very first present. She did pretty well. :)
Nana (Jordan's great-grandma) was visiting for a few days over Christmas.
Funny story about Nana.... Christmas morning, we were sitting in the living room about to start opening presents, when we heard a little "Oh!" from the room Nana was sleeping in. Just as we were wondering what that noise was, we heard Nana call out, "Anna!" Suddenly Jordan's mom realized that Mia (their little English Cocker Spaniel) was missing, and putting two-and-two together, jumped up and rushed into Nana's room calling Mia. Sure enough, little Mia (who had just been outside, so she was wet and cold!) had jumped up on Nana's bed and woke her up! At age almost-92, Nana admitted that she'd never been awakened in that way before! ;)
Five-generation picture: Serena, her daddy Jordan, his mom Kari, her dad Bill, his mom Ruth
Cute little face, squishy cheeks! :)

The bigger picture is of Serena making her first attempt at opening a present (Christmas Eve). It was from Grandma and Pa. In the bottom left is me with Serena on Christmas morning. And the bottom right pictures Macy enjoying the wrapping paper on Christmas morning.
The boys enjoyed spending time together doing manly things. ;) They hunted with the dogs a few times and got 4 birds total that weekend, I think. They also worked on butchering the 12 deer that they had collectively shot so far this year. And as usual there were several card games that were played amongst them as well.

Serena took a bath in Grandma's sink
Uncle Grant with Serena

Anna and I built a gingerbread house, which turned out beautifully, if I do say so myself!!! ;)
The dogs were pooped after all the hunting they did over the weekend. They usually are running around chasing and wrestling each other, so we had to capture this tender moment.
We made some homemade ice cream, taking advantage of the expertise of Le Gourmet Chef herself ;)
Serena LOVES this thing!!! It's a snowman, a dog, and a penguin on a sled, and when you squeeze the snowman's hand, they sing and alternatively dance/bark/shake. She is just fascinated with it, looking back and forth between the characters as they each do their things.
hahaaa very cute (the last pic - as i can really picture it). thanks for sharing your christmas pictures!!
Fun to hear/see your holidays.
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