I never really thought of myself as a dog person. Definitely never saw myself as a dog-in-the-house-person. But, here I am almost a year and a half after allowing (?) Macy to come live with us (IN THE HOUSE!) and I seriously cannot imagine life without her. And I have (almost) no regrets about making her a part of our family. The only time I begin to resent her a little is when I'm vacuuming her hair off the couch. :P
Macy was a very funny (and extremely cute puppy), but we honestly had no idea what kind of dog we had signed ourselves up for! She is quite the character! When we brought Serena home, Macy suddenly became a much more affectionate dog than she bas before. Before Serena, Macy didn't mind being petted, but kind of had the attitude that she had more important things to do than sit around and snuggle and let you pet her. Now, she's all about cuddling and sitting on your lap...especially if Serena is anywhere nearby! If you are a visitor of the Daily Serena blog, you've probably noticed that Macy is in the pictures almost more often than not...and you can bet she's on the fringes of every photo that does not include her! ;)
Macy loves to howl. We call it 'singing,' and she can do it on command. She also does it every time you start using a silly voice with Serena.
Macy has a fetish with socks. She generally doesn't seem interested in chewing socks, so that is nice. But she does love carrying them around. She wants you to notice that she has them in her mouth and then she will quite happily 'give' them back to you. Clean socks, dirty socks, Jordan's socks, Serena's socks, even brand-new...it doesn't matter. If it's a sock it's basically irresistible to her, and she HAS to pick it up and bring it to you. For example, the other night, I had a laundry basket full of clean, folded clothes just waiting to be put away. It was sitting on the floor in our bedroom and there were a bunch of Jordan's socks towards the top with just a sweatshirt over them. She kept bringing the pairs of socks to Jordan one by one. But it's like she KNOWS she's not supposed to do that...if you just say 'no' while she's on her way over there, she'll usually turn around and find something else to do..., but it's like an addiction that she just CAN'T help going back to! I wonder if there's a Sock-a-holics Anonymous program around here we could enroll her in?
Another Macy addiction (and this one's pretty gross, so if you're squeamish, you might want to skip this paragraph!) is Serena's spit-up. She loves licking up any drops that make it to the floor, since she is prohibited from licking Serena's face. It's actually pretty nice. ;)
Macy loves hunting and gives 100% every time Jordan takes her out. This picture was taken after their first hunt of this season. As you can see, Macy was a little out of shape and completely exhausted afterward! In her defense, it was a pretty grueling first-day-out....They left before dawn and returned at suppertime!
Macy is very nosy. She always has to know every little thing that is happening, so she tries to position herself strategically so she can simultaneously keep an eye on Jordan, me, and the squirrels in the back yard. She has discovered that the best place to be able to do that is the back of the couch. That way, she has a clear view of the living room, kitchen, and back yard.
Macy's perch
Sometimes the action in the backyard gets pretty exciting.
Although Macy is very affectionate with Serena and I, no one could argue that she is first and foremost Jordan's dog. When I hear Jordan's car pull into the garage, I say, "Daddy's home!" and Macy bolts to the door and sits there with her tail wagging 100 miles a minute until Jordan opens the door and she can greet him great jubilence! It's so funny how she follows me around all day, plays with me, cuddles with me, and is very obedient to my commands; but as soon as Jordan's around, it's obvious who she considers to be in charge. If I give her a command, it suddenly becomes 'optional.' Or, she'll look at Jordan like, "Do I really need to obey her?" I know kids sometimes play their parents against each other, but I didn't know dogs did that too!
Jordan & Macy having a wrestle on the couch
And then there's Macy's favorite thing in the world...going out hunting with Jordan!
aw, that's fun! cute macy ;) dogs are certainly SOOOO fun to have in life! great pix! and i love your story-telling abilities :) heehee!
:) macy is a fun dog! glad you guys have her, jordy wouldn't be the same without her ;) lol! she's a sweet little doggy!
Jenn, I so enjoyed reading your story about Macy. You do have a way with words. Perhaps one day you will be the author of a book? In your spare time, that is. I'm serious.
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