Sunday, November 14, 2010

Doggie Chronicles

I know! It's been 3 1/2 weeks since I've posted about the doggies and you're just dying for an update about them! ;) So, here it is!

Rocky is decidedly bigger than Macy now! He's also at least as attached to Jordan as Macy is. Hence the look of intense devotion on both their faces as they await his next command in this picture!

Jordan would like to get into duck hunting this year, so he bought a vest for the dogs. Here's Macy modeling the vest. She wasn't too sure about it.

Rocky, on the other hand, is a really good sport about things like that. He's so much more laid-back than Macy!

Of course, Serena was hovering around the activity!

Jordan left for a 2-day, 2-night quail hunt last weekend. He took Macy along and she did a great job for him! Jordan shot 3 birds. He & Macy hunted hard and covered a lot of rugged Texas terrain. Macy came back with cuts, burrs, slivers, cactus needles, a limp, and sore eyes (Jordan had to pull some pretty substantial debris out of one of her eyes). She literally slept for 3 or 4 days afterwards, poor little doggie! Almost a week later, she was just starting to get back to her old self!

Truly dog-tired!

Okay, I do not like the thought of having animals on the kitchen counter and this sort of thing is normally not tolerated. HOWEVER, I did have to admit that Macy looked pretty cute up on the counter when Jordan put her there "Just this once." So, since it was the only time it will ever happen, I humored them by taking a picture. ;)

Macy tried on Serena's pumpkin hat for Halloween

Rocky was not nearly as cooperative...maybe because Serena was trying to help ;)

Rocky is starting to really develop his own little personality quirks. For example, as soon as Jordan changes something about his attire (i.e., putting on a hat, changing into jeans, etc.), Rocky runs and sits by the garage door...hoping Jordan intends to take him somewhere! Whenever Jordan takes Rocky anywhere in the truck, he has to be on his toes because as soon as Jordan opens the tailgate, Rocky begins jumping in crazy enthusiastic attempts at getting up into the bed of the truck so he can then run into the kennel. Macy, on the other hand, is very reluctant to get into the kennel, since she considers herself entitled to riding in the cab. ;) Another one of Rocky's quirks is his tendency to find funny places to sleep. A couple of his favorites are on top of Jordan's duffel bag and on top of the game cube. The first night Jordan was gone, I had a really hard time helping Rocky settle down and sleep in his bed. He was up and down all night! The second night, I tried putting Jordan's duffel bag on Rocky's bed and it worked! He slept peacefully with the duffel bag all night long, heehee! Rocky is still very much a puppy and we get lots of laughs at his clumsiness. The other day, he came running in from outside and made a leap for Jordan who was sitting on the couch. However, he overestimated how much jumping power he'd need to make it onto Jordan's lap and smacked his face right into the wall! It was SO funny! Although he's still working on coordinating all four legs with his characteristic exuberance, he's showing promising signs of being a strong athletic dog. He covers ground really well and gets through dense cover like an old pro! He'll be going on his first real hunt next week, so it'll be neat to see how he does!

Rocky sleeping on Jordan's duffel bag

Yet another Rocky-bed!

Rocky & Serena continue to be a source of great amusement for us. They are such funny playmates! Almost every day, you can find them at some point out by the one little tree in our back yard. The poor tree used to have branches from just a few inches off the ground. Now, I think the lowest branch is about a foot or so off the ground. Rocky thinks pulling the branches off is really fun and then he chews the sticks. Serena has discovered that he'll put just about anything she offers him into his mouth, so she goes over and pulls leaves off the tree and 'feeds' them to Rocky. Rocky is very cooperative to eat them. ;) Whenever she can get any sort of reaction out of Rocky (or Macy, for that matter), Serena thinks it's hilarious. Usually, when we hear Serena belly-laughing, we can be pretty sure that the dogs are involved in some way! Thankfully they are very patient with her. Macy mostly just tries to avoid Serena, but Rocky usually stays involved out of curiosity for what Serena's going to do next! Here's a link to some footage of Serena playing with Rocky this afternoon. The first 25 seconds or so are the best part.

1 comment:

jules said...

hahaa i love your narroration of rocky events ;) i actually miss him LOL!

nice vests for the dogs jordy :)