Saturday, October 06, 2012

A Moby Wrap for Serena

Serena finally came up with a solution to her Moby Wrap quest:  she can stick her baby in her shirt!!  She is SO pleased with her "Moby wrap!"  She played outside with her baby in her shirt, and even tookher nap that way!

Thankfully, the shirt she was wearing today was very accommodating, heehee!

The Bretster is in desperate need of a haircut!
Both Bret and Serena have been growing like crazy the last several weeks!  Serena is finally in the 50th percentile for height and weight, after falling into the very low percentiles starting around 9 months!  In the last 6 weeks, Bret has gained three pounds, and jumped from the 3rd to the 15th percentile!  He is following Serena's growth track almost exactly!  Meanwhile, Cody is blazing new trails of his own! :)

1 comment:

~Sam said...

That is a funny moby wrap....that's how maddex carries his favorite stuffed animal around now that he sees me with Xavier.