Monday, April 15, 2013


Jessica, Julia, Me, and Julie at Jason & Julia's first apartment.  I think this picture was taken late 2004.
The very first sibling-in-law joined our family in 2004.  The fact that her name started with a "J" seemed very appropriate, and I think we girls all secretly admired the fact that Julia could tell Jason to stop teasing her and he actually would stop!  ;)  Yesterday was Julia's birthday, so I tried to find the earliest picture of Julia that I had on my computer.  This picture was taken in Jason & Julia's first apartment.  If I'm remembering right, Julie & I were home on Christmas break and we celebrated Julie's birthday while we were there that night.  Gotta love Jessica's shirt ("Cutie Pie"), lol!  ;)  We were all "Rabe girls" back then, but now Julia's the only "Rabe girl" left!  We've been blessed by her presence in our family, and we've all enjoyed her laugh, her sense of humor, her desire to grow in the LORD, her hospitality, and her knack for interior decorating!  Not to mention the cute nephews and niece she gave us!!  ;)  Love you, Julia!

1 comment:

jules said...

Fun post! And crazy picture ;)