Thursday, September 05, 2013

Cody's 1st Birthday Letter

Sweet little Cody-Bear,

A whole year with you has flown by!  Flown by, and with it all the amazing "firsts" that Mommies and Daddies love to celebrate as though no other child has ever smiled, cooed, sneezed, yawned, rolled over, crawled, laughed, or stood before.  Yes, we parents are a strange lot!  ;)  The fun thing about YOU has been to share all these things with your (easily) impressed brother and sister.  "Mommy, he's STANDING!!!!" they'll still shout excitedly, even three months after you first accomplished that milestone.  ;)

You certainly separated yourself from the "pack" from the outset by being over a pound heavier than the other two, and gaining a pound a week for the first 8 weeks or so.  We couldn't believe how quickly you grew, and we reveled in all your rolls!  I never had to tuck a towel behind you to help you sit up in the Bumbo seat; rather, we had to "pop" the seat off your fat little bottom when we wanted to get you out of the seat!

We've all doted on you, but if you turn out to be "spoiled," it will probably be your siblings' fault.  They've nicknamed you "Code," and they happily include you in their play whenever they can.  They have been so quick to cater to every whim of yours and to offer a paci, a toy, a song, a dance, or anything else they think might make you happy whenever you fuss.  You're a lucky little guy!

In social situations, you are pretty content to be with Mommy or Daddy, though not necessarily opposed to letting others hold you.  You give sweet (if not a little tentative) smiles to friendly people, but give little side-glances to Mommy to make sure everything's okay.  Our friends at church think you are so "chill" because they never see you fuss (good cover, buddy!).  Most Sundays you fall asleep on Daddy during the morning worship time and take a nice nap throughout the sermon.  I love that time and look forward to it every week!

I'm glad that Serena and Bret have adapted so well to your presence in our family.  They are so patient to let me rock you to sleep for your naps, which you thankfully usually fall asleep fairly quickly for.  You still take a morning nap and an afternoon nap, and you nurse about 4 times a day.  I used to read a lot to the kids during your nursing sessions, but since you've gotten so nosy, I've been asking the kids to go find something else to do so you won't be distracted while nursing.  :P

You've pretty much hit all the normal milestones at the average times.  You don't say many recognizable words, but you do sign "more" (sometimes) and "ninny" (like a boss).  ;)  You're still not walking, though you take 2-3 steps now and then.  You are a really, really good eater (which surprised no one).  You kind of petered out on your growth in the last few months, though.  You're only 22.5 pounds and 29.5 inches, which puts you in the 41st and 34th percentiles respectively.  Kinda disappointing after you hung around the 95th percentile for the first 3/4 of your life.  ;)  You're sporting 6 teeth with no others in sight; and might I add that you have been a horrible teether???  Still, you have been overall the best sleeper (though I'm not sure that was a title very difficult to earn), so I've been thankful for that!

We love you so much, precious little guy!  Happy Birthday!

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