Saturday, February 22, 2014

The Bretster-Boy's 3rd Birthday

Third birthdays are so fun because by this age, a child has some concept of what a special day a birthday is.  Bret was very excited to turn three!!  He still has no concept of the passing of time, though; and asked us regularly if it was his birthday yet for weeks in advance!

We celebrated Bret's birthday the day before his birthday because Jordan was going to be out-of-town on the day of.  But, like I said, Bret had no concept of what day it was supposed to be.  And when I sneaked a number off of his countdown during his nap one day, no one (not even Serena) noticed!  Score for me!!  ;)  I will say that the one weird thing about not celebrating a child's birthday on their birthday is that you still can't help thinking about their birth when the actual day rolls around.  And then, since Jordan was not around, I had to try really hard not to let myself melt into a sentimental mess.  It helped to sneak a piece of left-over birthday cake during naptime.  ;)

Happy Birthday Boy on the Birthday Pillow

Birthday Cake

"Happy Birthday to You!"

Me with my Bretster-Boy
I meant to do an interview with Bret on his birhday, but never got around to it.  So, this was actually taken a couple weeks after his birthday.  But, whatever.  Close enough, right?  He and Serena are really into the story of Heidi, so he starts things off by saying that his name is Peter (as in the goat-boy).  I managed to get him to sing and to do some rhyming (he's really good at rhyming...much to Serena's chagrin, since she has had a harder time figuring out how to do it!).

Bret's Birthday Interview

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thank you, Bret! That was so fun to see and hear my gt. grandson on his 3rd b'day interview. Love you!