My Dear Little Cody-Bear,
That nickname, "Cody-Bear," has stuck with you from Day One, I think. It fits you so well. Of our three, you were the biggest baby and you grew at the fastest rate. You're soft, and sweet, and cuddly, like a teddy bear. (I know, you're going to
love hearing about that some day!) You're also round and sturdy and strong (there, do you like that better?), like a bear. So, it just works, I guess!
Classy. August 2014 |
I've always wondered, do you eat a lot because you grow so quickly? Or is your size a result of your appetite? Either way, you're a great eater!
You with your "special stuff" that you sleep with...your paci, your special blankie, and your teddy. July 2014 |
You FINALLY overcame your fear of the water! After not being able to put you in the bathtub for the last few months, this breakthrough was a HUGE relief! July 2014 |
You've been a late-bloomer in the Language Department, but I'm happy to say that you're starting to communicate with intelligible words more and more these days! You are an accomplished copy-cat, and as such, you are having a hard time learning how to tell people how old you are. Since you copy Bret in every way possible, you always answer "Fee" ("three") with hardly a thought! Maybe one of these days you'll start to realize that you are your own individual person!
October 2013 |
For some reason, you love Uncle Luke! August 2014 |
Always in on the action, these days! August 2014 |
Reading with Serena August 2014 |
As we have seen you grow out of so many baby-ish things this year, I'm constantly reminded that we're quickly leaving the baby stage behind! This past year, you moved out of Mommy and Daddy's bed (around 13 months), learned to walk (around 14 months), moved into the kids' bedroom (around 15 months), weaned (around 18 months), learned to go potty in the potty (around 20 months), and countless other milestones I'm sure I'm forgetting to mention! BUT, you still sleep with your paci and special blankie, still sleep in a crib, still take a nap every afternoon, still cry and ask Mommy to "oh may pease" ("hold me please"), still need your owies kissed, still ride in a stroller, still can't figure out how to get the strap over your heel to take off your flip-flops, and still fell asleep on Daddy in church this past Sunday morning.
You've always loved your Auntie Anna! November 2013 |
The of your FAVORITE toys. You love pounding on it and singing at the top of your lungs! November 2013 |
Begging for scraps from Grandpa Thanksgiving 2013 |
You do your level best to keep up with Serena and Bret. You are never far behind them as they go through their daily adventures! Since Serena often gets distracted with reading books, you and Bret spend lots of time playing happily together. The only fights you seem to have are when one of you suddenly takes a toy from the other. And then, oh the outrage! Thankfully, it generally blows over quickly, and you're back to your play. Serena loves you so much, and loves to take care of you and help you. She often anticipates your needs and looks out for you in areas she knows you can't do things for yourself. Bret really likes taking care of you too. He loves to tell people that you're his baby and that he takes care of you. He tries to kiss your owies (which you hate) and give you special treasures (which you love). Your attempts to copy Bret keep Daddy and I laughing. The only area you really try to copy Serena in is reading books. You love to sit on the couch by her and "read" a pile of books!
Always copying Bret June 2014 |
This summer, you got to go on the rides at Bay Beach for the first time, and you loved them! June 2014 |
Whenever Daddy took Serena and Bret sledding, you'd get SO upset about not being able to go along! ...Until I figured out that just putting on some gloves and a hat would make you happy! Then, at least you felt like you LOOKED like them, even if you weren't WITH them. ;) March 2014 |
You love your Daddy so much. Some days, when he comes home from work, he likes to lay down on the couch and read; and you love to lay down in the crook of his arm and look at whatever it is he's reading. You think it's awesome when he wrestles you and tickles you. You love to try to get something started with Daddy. You make us laugh because when Daddy picks you up and throws you around, you go completely limp and giggle!
April 2014 |
Sleepy Bear (See what I mean about your cheeks sagging when you sleep?) April 2014 |
Your personality is very robust and enthusiastic. You have more expressions than a mime. You love to feel involved. You thrive on being given the same attention that Serena and Bret get (i.e., being treated like a "big kid"). You are loud. You are silly. You eat with both hands. You love to be a stinker. You love to stir up trouble. You are stubborn. You are messy. You jiggle when you run. Your face sags when you sleep.
I love this collage of classic Cody expressions! January 2014 |
You boys! January 2014 |
September 2014 |
Buddies! September 2014 |
Reading like Serena January 2014 |
Your first time "drawing" with Pa, and you loved it! You felt like such a big boy, and after that we couldn't keep you out of the crayons at home! January 2014 |
We love you oh, so very much, Cody-Bear! You bring us so much joy, so much laughter, so many sweet moments! You are our precious boy. May you grow to be that "good man" whose "steps are ordered by the Lord" (Psalm 37:23).
September 2014 |
Love, Mommy
1 comment:
These blogs will become even more precious as the years go by. Thanks for sharing these precious moments with us. Love and hugs, Gram
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