Monday, July 17, 2006

Brazzle Dazzle Day

To celebrate our first year of marriage, we decided to spend a weekend down in the Wisconsin Dells area at the Noah's Ark Waterpark, "America's Largest Waterpark." :D

We had to leave kind of early in the morning, but it was totally worth it! We got there a little after 11 and stayed till almost 6. The skies were clear and the sun was hot, so it was a perfect day for it. The 'watercoasters' were very fun, but I think my favorite "ride" was the slide that they called "The Point of No Return." I did NOT want to go down that thing, but Jordan made me do it and I have to admit that I am glad that I "submitted." ;) In the picture below, it's the slide to the far left.
This is a picture of the view looking straight down from the top. This was the point where I shut my eyes, held my breath, and started praying! ;)
I think the best part about the park was the Wave Pool. I had never been in a wave pool before and I absolutely LOVED it!!! Jordan like to go over in the deep end and see how high up the wall he could reach when the big waves came, but I liked to stay where my feet could touch the bottom of the pool and I could just relax and ride the waves as they came. It was really cool!

After we left Noah's Ark, we went straight to our hotel so we could get cleaned up before heading off to supper. Our hotel was really nice. It was just so fun to be "away" for a night! There's just something luxurious about not having to pick up after yourself or not having to cook supper or clean it up! Don't get me wrong, I love keeping house; but it was truly a gift to have a night like this!
For supper, Jordan took me to one of my favorite restaurants: Applebees! Wow, it's making my mouth water just to think about it right now!! The Three Cheese Chicken Penne is awesome!! :D
We spent the evening relaxing and watching TV. We were pretty wiped out from our day in the sun and water!

On the way home, we stopped at the mall in Appleton and we stayed there for FOUR WHOLE HOURS!!! Wow! If you know Jordan at all, you know that 4 hours in the mall is not exactly his cup of tea! He is so sweet! :D I had SO much fun just walking around and enjoying looking at everything. I did find a few good deals: a cute cardigan from NY & Co for $8 (reg. $35), a couple of ties for $4 each, etc. I love shopping!!!!

This was such a wonderful weekend! We just had so much fun and it was great to hang out and goof off and just be the two of us.

Our first year of marriage is behind us. I don't want to sound trite, but it really did fly by! Before we got married, lots of people told us that after you're married, reality sets in, and it's not all fun & games, etc., etc., etc. I guess that is true in a sense, and I can kinda see what they are trying to say, but I really don't think that I would have wished anything about this last year to have been different. We are so blessed, and God has been so good! I'm ready for year #2!


jules said...

we just got back and we were all SO happy to see that you have your weekend get-away trip on here already! it looks like fun, and i'm sure u guys had a REALLY good time! how did you get those pictures from way up on the slide? waterproof camera?! haaa...
can't wait to see you soon. miss you, and love you both - congrats again on your 1st year, it's so wonderful (and brings happy tears to my eyes!)

Tim St. Clair II said...

Hey, sounds like you guys had a great time! Thanks for all the posts and updates. I just love reading all of these great Northland friend's blogs.

Congrats on your first year of marriage. May God continue to bless you with love for Him and each other.

By the way, I love that you post so many pictures! It's great to have a visual along with the writing. Those water slides look awesome! You should have had someone take a picture of you faces when you went down those crazy things! Sweet!

Anyway, keep blogging and have a great day!

Paula said...

And now I have the Brazzle Dazzle Day song in my head!

But! That's beside the point. Congratulations on your first year, and I pray God continues to bless you through the coming ones! And yay for such a great way to celebrate together - I'm glad it was a wonderful day. :)

Katie Barker said...

Hey Jen, just wanted to say hi. Glad to see you and Jordan are doing well and that you had fun at the Dells. That looked like a crazy slide. Katie (Zakes) Barker

Jess said...

first of all - happy anniversary! and i like the heading of your post :) good old Pete's Dragon brazzle dazzle day :) i like that. looks like you guys had SO much fuN! i think next year you should take me and laura and jules - your kids - to the water park with you! wouldn't that be a good way to celbrate your 2nd anniversary? heehee! love you!
jess :)

Anonymous said...

Thanks for sharing about your FANTASTIC 1st Annv. 'get-away'!!:) My heart rejoices that you did that. It's such a special, and romantic time together...just the two of you. How do I know? I've been there. :) May year #2 be filled with even more blessings.
I love you both, Grandma

Sara Marie said...

Congrats, Jenn and Jordan. I would also like you to know that there will be a gift coming to you in a few days....look for it!


Love you guys!

Anonymous said...

Congrats!!! What a fun way to celebrate your anniversary!