Tuesday, July 25, 2006

Dave's Falls

We are so lucky to live here! Sometimes when we are on our way to church or going on a bikeride or a walk, we can't help but think how great it is that we get to live here for these few years. This area is so gorgeous and there are so many neat things around here that we get to enjoy every day and appreciate the beauty of as the seasons change.

There are several beautiful waterfalls close by. One of my favorites is Dave's Falls. The falls themselves are nothing too spectacular, but I just love how pretty that park is! If you go across a footbridge, and down a path, over the river on the railroad tracks, and down another path, you can find an old rock quarry with lots of huge rock formations surrounding a little pool of water. The above picture was taken from the top of one of the highest rocks. The picture below is of Jordan climbing around some of the rocks. On Saturday, we took Josh and Rachel Woodward with us to Dave's Falls and brought a fun little picnic supper along with us. :) After we'd eaten, we hiked around the park a little and found our way out to the rock quarry. The picture below is of Josh and Rachel. Unfortunately, it turned out pretty fuzzy because I took it from so far away. Oh well, they look cute anyway! :)And of course, we took a picture of ourselves. :) After we took this picture, Jordan said, "I wonder how many pictures like that we have of ourselves." It's probably true that we do have a lot of pictures like that. But until we have kids, I guess we're all we have to take pictures of! ;)


Laura Kimbrough said...

"UNTIL WE HAVE KIDS?????" Hhhhmmmm...yeah, i must say, you are getting quite a LOT of pictures of just the two of you....:)))))))))

jules said...

i'm glad you take some pictures so we can "see" you more often! looks like you had fun, i am sure it is fun to have other married friends to hang out with. see you soon!!