Wednesday, July 26, 2006

Andria in China

Jordan's sister Andria has been in China for the last 3 weeks with the China Team from Faith Baptist Bible College. Today I received an email from Mrs. Carpenter who just returned from China and she attached this picture of Andria holding a red panda. :) You can find out more about the China Team which is composed of students from Northland, Faith, Maranatha, Clearwater, and Piedmont at The last time we heard from Andria was on Sunday and here's an excerpt of what she said,
"This week I am teaching 2 boys ages 7 and 9. It has been fun having different ages every week. I can't believe this is our last week here. On Thursday while visiting the tailors the tailor bought us popsicles. These weren't the typical popsicles in the US. The flavor was rather interesting-- green peas. I didn't end up finishing mine. :-)"
It really sounds like Andria is doing great and having a lot of fun! Please pray for her as she finishes up her last few days over there and then travels back to the States. Also pray for the team as a whole that God would truly do a great work through their ministry and that He would change their lives through this experience!

1 comment:

Jess said...

wow - i don't think i could even handle another lick of a green pea popsicle once i got over the horrible shock of discovering it wasn't lime after the first lick! haha! been praying for you, andria!
jess :)