Monday, August 07, 2006

Happy 2nd Anniversary!

Two years ago, Jason and Julia tied the knot in a lovely evening service held in a beautiful church in Garland, TX. I am amazed at how quickly the time has flown since then! That day was absolutely gorgeous in every way, and we all had a great time celebrating with Jason and Julia and family and friends. Unfortunately, I don't have any of their wedding pictures on this computer, but Julia and Jason really made a beautiful couple. God has been so good to my family and I am so thankful for the special blessing that Julia has been to us!

JaJu, I'm so happy for you guys and I hope you have a wonderful time celebrating your anniversary!


jules said...

cute picture :)

Jess said...

Happy Anniversary!!! Dito to what jules said - i don't think i've ever seen that pic! can't wait to see you guys THIS weekend! (wish u were going to be there jenn & jordan :( miss u guys!)
jess :)