Friday, August 04, 2006

Happy Birthday, Mom!

Today was Mom's birthday. I really wish we were there to celebrate with her, but it sounds like Julie and Jessie did a good job of making her feel special today. Mom is my hero, my inspiration, and my very best girlfriend in the whole world! We have spent countless nights sitting up talking and laughing and crying together. She is the most amazing person I know. When God took Dad home, Mom continued to be the godly sweet woman she had always been. She struggled, of course, but she truly let God take her life and mold it into a wonderful testimony of His grace that truly speaks volumes to everyone who knows her. Mom, I know you don't think that you are anyone special and that you hate it when we brag on you. But I just want to say that I love you with all my heart and I think you are the most beautiful person that I know. Happy Birthday!


jules said...

she is truly beautiful inside and out :) I LOVE YOU MOM, happy birthday!!!!! (i LOVE that picture!)

Jess said...

amen and amen! i love you, mommy! happy happy birthday! you are THE BEST! and THE PRETTIEST (inside and out!) ;) what a cute pic, jenn!

jajurabe said...

Wonderful post! and your welcome for the picture ;) ha ha. jk. I love you Mom Rabe you are such a special friend to me!! I hope you had a super day!! Miss you~julia

Amandaleann said...

Jen, This is Amanda (Jennings) Lee. I am not even sure if you remember me from NBBC and NCC, but I ran across your blog and just wanted to say Hello. Conratulations on you marriage! I am just recently married myself. You will have to check out my blog to see some pictures. Hope things are going well for you and Jordan. Talk to you again soon.