Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Baby Update, 8 Weeks Pregnant

I’m thinking that my Favorite Things Friday post last week may have been a little misleading. The emails from have been a huge weekly favorite of mine, but I actually do not receive them on Fridays; I receive them on Wednesdays! So, I was thinking that it might be fun to post a little update on our baby’s development each week. I know a lot of you have received these emails in the past, but I think there are a lot of people who have never had the opportunity to read about the week-by-week development of a baby that might find it interesting. I, for one, will probably never be able to get over the miracle of a baby's development! Since I receive the emails late on Wednesday afternoons, I’ll try to post the update on my blog either Wednesday evenings or on Thursdays…depending on how things go, since Wednesdays are usually pretty busy with work and church, etc.

So, here is the latest update:

Our baby has little fingers and toes starting to poke out – although they are a little webbed right now. Several of the baby’s organs are continuing to develop and function. For example, “breathing tubes” are now reaching from the throat to the lungs, and nerve cells in the brain are branching out to connect with one another. Even though our baby is only 5/8 of an inch long, he or she is already becoming very active…though it’ll be a while before I can feel the movements!


Jess said...

thank you so much for posting that! i'm so glad u did - i'm looking forward to being able to keep up with the development of my future niece or nephew! eehh! i'm so excited!! heehee! cute new blogger background, too! love u much! xo

Unknown said...

I get those emails for my baby too. I get them late thurs nights, and every day friday I just can't wait to turn on my work computer to read the email. I actually read a lot about stuff on that website. It is so cool.