Just about every afternoon, Macy, Serena and I make an excursion to the mail box at the end of our driveway to check the mail. Macy loves being able to investigate the front yard, since she usually only gets to play in the back yard which is fenced in. She is always very good for our excursion and stays in our yard; I've never been in the least bit concerned that she might 'take off.'
Today was different.
We stepped outside just like every other day, and as usual I reminded Macy to "stay close." Just at that moment, something rustled in the bushes to our right. In a flash, Macy was there, then a rabbit came shooting out, and then Macy was on the chase. I was in shock as I watched my little doggie hotly pursue the rabbit past our property line, across the neighbor's front yard, and around the corner of their house and out of sight! With Serena on my hip, I walked hurriedly down the sidewalk in front of the neighbor's house, hoping to catch a glimpse of the runaway.
I didn't feel comfortable walking through the neighbors' yards, so I took the sidewalk back the other way down to the corner to see if I could look through the back yards from down there. All the while, I was calling Macy's name and telling her to 'come.' And in my mind I was trying to figure out how to go about trying to find Macy if she didn't come back and HOW IN THE WORLD I was going to tell Jordan that his dog had run away ON MY WATCH!
About this time, I did hear a screeching noise that I thought might be a rabbit, but then I thought, "Nah, Macy has never been able to catch, let alone kill, a full-grown rabbit!" Suddenly, the German Shepard who lives at the house at the end of our street started barking. That dog (whom I have dubbed 'Barky' for obvious reasons) despises Macy, so I hoped that he had started barking because Macy had come back in sight! I hurried back to the corner and rounded it to find Macy standing on the walkway to our front door WITH A RABBIT IN HER MOUTH! And yes, my friends, she. had. KILLED! it! The rabbit was DEAD! In her MOUTH! At my FRONT DOOR!!!! Can you tell this was a bit traumatic for me?!
Of course, the next problem was how to get Macy, minus the DEAD! rabbit, back into the house. Preferably without my having to TOUCH the DEAD! rabbit. :P All the while, still holding a very enthusiastic Serena (who was emitting staccato screams of excitement). Somehow I succeeded, and we made it back into the house while the DEAD! rabbit laid right outside the front door (I guess that'll keep the Jehovah's Witnesses at bay for today, huh). Macy was pretty distressed about it, though. She kept pacing in front of the door and crying. It took a good hour to get her mind off it, but she never really relaxed. As soon as Jordan was home, the first thing she wanted to do was show him her kill. And as proud as she was, Jordan might have been prouder.

LOVE that post. awesome:) and i can just picture serena along for the ride in all this chaos!
What a great story!! I love the last line -- it makes it seem like a story to be read and re-read!!
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