Monday, October 25, 2010


It seemed like the perfect solution to our fly problem! A little fly tape and they would (at least mostly) be all taken care of!

We've been enjoying the beautiful weather sans mosquitoes quite a bit! The novelty of the absence of mosquitoes here (especially in comparison to the especially dense population in Clive, IA) has begun to wear off, but the flies have picked up the slack in the Annoying Insect Department! Because the weather is so nice, we often leave the back door open and let Serena and the dogs have free access to the fenced-in back yard, unwittingly giving the flies free access to our house! However, it's so nice to have that door open for everyone's enjoyment that we've been putting up with the flies, and Jordan goes on a killing spree just about every day. Then, I thought of getting fly paper! Jordan hung it up yesterday morning and stuck a couple flies to it hoping to lure others in. So far one fly and one gnat have landed of their own accord on that fly tape in the last almost-24 hours! What a disappointment!

So the flies continue to buzz while the fly tape hangs undisturbed. We weild the fly swatter periodically, and the dogs do their best to contribute as well (they both try to catch them in midair and eat them). Maybe our house can just be one big fly trap for the state of Texas!
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jules said...

how great everyone works as a team in this ;) serena still needs a job to help though -- maybe she could run around with fly paper taped to her and catch them as she goes! heheee!

The Horaks said...

Haha! That's a really good idea, Julie! Might have to try that! ;)