Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Lovable Obstacles

Macy & Rocky both have this annoying habit of sitting or laying right where you need to be. As if it were not challenging enough to avoid tripping over Serena, these two (or one or the other) have figured out the most popular places to be depending on my activity. Washing dishes? Dogs sit right in front of the kitchen sink. Getting ready for the day or for bed? Dogs sit right in front of MY bathroom sink (as opposed to Jordan's...apparently he's not as easy or as fun to trip!). Supper preparations? Dogs sit in the corner of the the kitchen by the stove (see picture). It wouldn't be so bad if they would be willing to move when I need them to. On the contrary, they LEAN IN when I try to open a cabinet they are sitting in front of or try to shove them over with my foot. If I dare give up any "prime" real estate by shifting over to rinse a dish or whatever, they instantly and shamelessly encroach on the space. And when I try to claim it back, they look up at me as if they do not understand what I'm trying to do. "Finders keepers!" their expressions say! :| What's more, this little problem is being compounded by another growing problem: my belly! As you can see in the picture, it is just starting to really obscure my view of the floor. More tripping seems to be in my future!
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