Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Pumpkin Carving

Jordan came home with a couple pumpkins last night!  Serena and Bret were SO excited!  It made me think of how last year Serena had said that Daddy had shot a pumpkin for her (as if it were a wild animal)!  ;)  

Serena was very matter-of-fact about removing the "guts" of the pumpkin.  Bret, on the other hand, had plenty to say about it, and lots of facial expressions!  ;)

The Bretster-grin

Little worker

He's so little!

Serena drew a face on the pumpkin, and then closely supervised Jordan as he carved it out

Pretending to eat the guts. Serena wasn't so sure...

Bret was all about posing for a silly picture

Serena pretending the pumpkin was eating her hand

Finished product
We kept the bowl of guts out on the table last night and I told Serena that we would sort all the seeds out and roast them for a special treat.  Then, this morning, after I put Cody down for his nap, I found her hard at work separating out the seeds into a little pile!  She kept at it and didn't quit until the job was done!  Sometimes, I'm so amazed by what a hard and capable worker she is!

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