Thursday, July 27, 2006

I'm so excited!!!!

The reason I am so excited is because two of my most favorite people in the world are coming here today!!! My lovely sisters, Julie and Jessica, will be here sometime before 5 today (hopefully!) and I seriously feel like I can hardly wait! (I love this picture of them, by the way. Aren't they gorgeous?) This day is going to drag till they get here, and then I just know that the weekend will fly by (seems like that's always how it goes)! I'm so excited to spend some time with them! I guess I'll have lots to post about next week since I'll need to recap VBS and the girls' visit! :)


Debbie Griffin said...

Hope you will have a great time with your sisters! There's so much fun to be had when you're with family! Hope VBS is going well!

Sara Marie said...

Did you get anything special in the mail? Maybe something special? I hope you did and I hope you have fun with Jessica and Jules! Miss you 2!!


Jess said...

i'm SO excited to be here! we're having so much fun! i'm glad you're having vbs at our extension church, cause then i don't have to entirely miss it! there are SO many kids, and they all love it! i've missed u both so much - thanks for letting jules and i come keep you up late and take up room in your apartment for awhile. love you!
jess :)