Tuesday, August 01, 2006


We had a wonderful week of VBS last week. Our theme was Noah's Ark. Pastor Markham and co. made most of the decorations and all the cute little animals. Brent Belford made the big Noah's Ark that we had sitting outside the church. It was very sturdy...it survived a few big storms as well as a run-in with the church sign (hee,hee!). VBS was held Monday-Friday from 6-8pm. Jordan and I had so much fun getting involved and helping where we could. It made for a crazy week, though! We would hurry home from work at 5 and then rush off to church as soon as possible and get back home around 9. It was definitely worth the busy-ness, though! We were able to meet several new people from Norway who brought their kids to VBS. The kids all had a great time, but were also able to hear the plan of salvation presented very clearly every night. Most of them also memorized the "Gospel Hand" as well as many verses! There were 57 total kids who came, and we averaged in the 40's every night. 24 of the kids were from our church, 7 were staff kids from Northland, and 26 were from the neighborhood. Praise the Lord for the seeds that were planted in these little hearts!


jules said...

jen! it was so fun to be apart of it for a night :) i'm sure you guys will reap many rewards for all your work there! i miss you! :(

jajurabe said...

thanks for the slide show! that made it very fun :) glad to hear about all the details! I am soo happy for you guys and that you have found a church to really be involved in! PTL!!

Anonymous said...

The pictures are great. I really appreciate getting to see them.
Markham's mother-in-law. lol