Tuesday, August 01, 2006

A Weekend with My Sisters

Julie and Jessica arrived last Thursday afternoon around 4pm. I was so excited to see them!!! They went with Jordan and me to VBS that night and they were so great about jumping right in and getting involved with the kids. They were a big help! :) On Friday, I took the day off of work (YAY!!), so we girls slept in till 9 and enjoyed a relaxing morning. In the afternoon, we went to the Daily Grind for a ‘sister date’ :) and then we went down to Jordan’s barbershop so Julie could trim my hair. She cut some bangs and more layers for me, too. (Thank you, Julie!) Jessica went to VBS with us again that night and Julie went up to camp to hang out with some of her old friends. Afterwards, Jess and I watched movies and went on a scary walk with Jordan in the dark. (AHHH!!!) ;) On Saturday, Jordan went golfing with Woody, and we girls went to the ever-exciting Green Bay mall!!! There are few things that are as much fun as shopping with your sisters. No one knows like your sisters do exactly what stores you want to go to, what styles you like, what colors you look best in, when to laugh, and when to be serious, and how to be so lovingly honest and frank about everything from friends and boys, to clothes and hairstyles. Thanks for the fun afternoon, girls! When we got home, we watched more movies (I was a little starved for chick flicks!) and tried to get to bed at a decent time so we could be up and ready for church in the morning. After church we went to Pizza Hut. It was so good! We had races to see who could do all the puzzles on the back of their placemats first, and Jessica was by far the fastest one. I guess all those weeks in the hospital last year are paying off. :D heehee! The girls left on Monday morning a little after 10. I really enjoyed every moment of having them here. I wish they weren’t so far away so that we could do things like that more often. I’m so thankful for the relationship that we all share and for the closeness of our friendship. God has been so good to our family by keeping us close even through all the trials that have come and I want to praise Him for that.

In a couple more weeks, Julie will be heading back to Maranatha to begin another year of college. Until then, she will be at home putting in as many hours as she can at work. Please pray for her as she has some big decisions to make about where she will work during the school year. Also pray for her as she will be a PC at school again this year, which requires a lot of wisdom and patience!

Jessica is working at her old job at the assisted living complex this summer. She loves working there, and the residents adore her! :) She still has an entire month at home before she will be heading back up here to Northland for her sophomore year of college. We are so thankful for how God has healed her in this past year. Thank you so much to all of you who have been praying for her!! Her most recent tests showed that things are going very well for her. Please continue to pray for her that there would not be any flare-ups of the Crohn’s disease.

Love you girls! Come back again soon! :)


Tricia said...


I'm not sure if you remember me from camp or not, but I sure remember all of you guys. I was so excited to stumble across your blog and enjoyed looking at your wedding pictures. Congratulations by the way! The Lord is so gracious in all that he has done in your family. I'll look forward to satying updated with future posts. Take care.

Tricia (Heller) McCammack

jules said...

jen :) i loved your post... and the day we all had in green bay was probably my favorite of our trip (plus, jordan eating out of boardom too, lol).
i miss you so much already. can't wait for the next time we get together! loves!

Anonymous said...

reading about it all again makes me wish it hadn't gone so fast! we always have so much fun together - and who knows when the next time will be that we girls will get to hang out like that again - hopefully soon. i'm thankful it worked out - God is good! miss you already, and can't wait to see you - i just wish that didn't mean leaving mom. maybe i'll bring her to school with me this year ;) love you!
jess :)

Anonymous said...

reading about it all again makes me wish it hadn't gone so fast! we always have so much fun together - and who knows when the next time will be that we girls will get to hang out like that again - hopefully soon. i'm thankful it worked out - God is good! miss you already, and can't wait to see you - i just wish that didn't mean leaving mom. maybe i'll bring her to school with me this year ;) love you!
jess :)

Anonymous said...

oops - posted twice :P