Thursday, September 14, 2006

63 reasons why I have not blogged for a week:

I have had a few people remind me that I need to blog, so I finally came up with 63 excuses...I mean, reasons for my lack of blogging:

63 Reasons NOT To Blog

(This list is in no particular order...I didn't have time....)

  1. Too busy reading other people's blogs
  2. Sleep (need I say more?)
  3. Blogger was down
  4. Someone else just blogged about the same thing
  5. The picture I took didn't turn out
  6. Forgot to take a picture (and we all know I am not creative enough to blog without a picture!)
  7. This would be my 105th post, and I'm afraid that makes me one of those blogging addicts I always hear people make fun of
  8. It's actually nice outside and you never know when it'll start snowing around here
  9. Too far behind in blogging events
  10. Can't decide which entry to write first
  11. I have started keeping a running list of things to blog about that I apparently don't really care about or I would have blogged about them by now, and anything that can make me do something that stupid should not be supported
  12. I just did my nails, and typing would mess them up
  13. My blogging isn't as interesting as other people's
  14. People might read it and see what a dork I am
  15. Too busy working on the recital
  16. Should be working on the recital
  17. Nobody reads it anyway
  18. ...yeah, okay, three people...
  19. ...they probably should be doing other things too
  20. Too much trouble to find and edit in all the links I want to add
  21. Need to redo my templates and style sheets first
  22. I might embarrass my family
  23. I wore the same outfit twice this week because I need to do laundry so bad
  24. I can draw pictures in the dust on the shelves on the entertainment center
  25. I might start a series that I'll have to obsessively keep up with (i.e. Jess's countdown last year....haha!)
  26. I actually have to do something interesting in order to have anything to blog about
  27. Jordan needs the computer
  28. The ironing pile is growing
  29. The fish bowls need to be cleaned
  30. Maybe I should be doing the dishes
  31. It's been 10 days, so the Amish Friendship Bread needs to be made
  32. I would rather read a book
  33. Blogging is not a recognized career path (even for the online universities)
  34. I could be shopping on ebay
  35. 24 (on DVD)
  36. If I did it today everyone would start to expect it every day
  37. Some psycho might deduce where I live and steal all my good stuff
  38. Wastes electrons
  39. Rented a movie for tonight
  40. Jordan might make fun of what I post
  41. People in China don't have blogs (please don't ask me how that is relevant, but it is true)
  42. I might accidentally give away how self-absorbed I am
  43. I might use up all of my good ideas
  44. The internet connection is too slow
  45. The batteries are going dead on the laptop
  46. Windows crashed...again
  47. Settlers
  48. I think I'm going to be busy tonight
  49. I have to learn to 'photoshop' pictures into 'betterness'
  50. I haven't posted all the other things I've got a draft for yet
  51. People might think I have nothing better to do
  52. I have to return some emails
  53. I need to delete a few thousand emails
  54. Not enough time before I have to leave the house
  55. The post will be longer than anyone could reasonably be expected to read
  56. No one will leave any comments anyway
  57. Wouldn't exercise be a better use of the time?
  58. Might get carpal tunnel if I type too much
  59. This chair makes my hinder-part fall asleep
  60. I'm late for something
  61. I need to surf the blogs I read yesterday to see if anyone has responded to the comments I left
  62. Most people are just going to skim over this list because it is so long, and that is very discouraging
Disclaimer: I really do enjoy blogging, it just seems that lately I have not had enough time for it. I hope you all get a kick out of my little collection of excuses! ;)


jules said...

come on now, jen -- didn't that take longer than finding something to post about?! ;)
love u!!!!!

jajurabe said...

ha ha ha, very funny jen! i love it :) so many of those reasons are exactly the ones i have!! hee hee. love u!

Sara Marie said...

Now Jenn, I think that you could be blogging about alot of things. You could take a picture of the calender that I made for you and Jordan and you could let everyone see what I made for you! I am so excited that you finally blogged about something. Email me sometime or call me!


Tim St. Clair II said...

Wow! If you have time for 63 reasons why NOT to blog, you certainly have time for just a little post to update on your life.

That was CRAZY! And yeah, people do read your blog . . . and personally, I like the pictures.

Here's a fun assignment/idea. Jordan seems to be so photogenic, try taking as many random pictures of him as you can and then have and 'Ode to Jordan post and put them all together. That could be fun.

We love you guys and are glad that we can stay in touch somewhat through the blogger world. Keep posting.

Katie Barker said...

Hey, I read every single one. Laughed at a few, disagreed with a couple. And hope you post more pictures soon!

Jess said...

hahahahhahahahhaa! (except for the part about my obsessive countdown). ;) love you!
jess :)