Tuesday, October 10, 2006

Leif Erickson Day Parade

I think the Markham family wins the "Best Dressed" award! :)

Somebody had set up a trailer with lots of stuffed animals (not teddy bears....these were real!) and I thought the buffalo head was very cool. But I was a little scared of the wild boar head!

We loaded up as many of the church kids as we could into the 'float' and they got to ride the whole 4-block route! ;) They sang Sunday Schools songs the whole time and threw bags of candy and tracts and flyers. I think they had a great time!

We stopped to watch the blacksmith for a while and he sort of took a shine to Emily after she offered him some candy and a tract from our church. So he made a cross for her and let her help him with pumping the bellows.


jules said...

jen! that float looks SO good! i'm sure u all had a fun time! i wish there were more pictures of you guys, too... but it's awesome to see how your day in norway was. fun fun :)

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the pictures. They're great!! I've been waiting for somone to post some. What fun!! Love and prayers,
Grandma C.

Jessica said...

It was so much fun! Emily had the coolest time with the blacksmith, Lucky girl! We were able to pass out tons of tracts & candy, and people took them! It was great! Hopefully some people will read those tracts and come to know God!

Jess said...

i love seeing everyone's costumes, and the float, etc...so thankful for the beautiful weather the Lord provided, and the contacts that were made!
jess :)