Saturday, July 23, 2011

Phone Pix Edition

Every now and then, I dump the pix from my phone onto my computer. I really love some of them, so thought I'd start doing a "Phone Pix Edition" every now and then.

When Jordan started working at Encore Wire in Texas, Rocky's internal clock adjusted pretty quickly to Jordan's schedule. Not only did he freak out if Jordan's alarm didn't go off when it usually did (i.e., on weekends!), but he also waited impatiently at the door for him starting around 5pm. Sometimes he could be distracted for a little while, but he would always go back to sitting there staring at the crack between the door and door frame until Jordan walked through!
During our neighborhood-wide garage sales this May, I found a double jogging stroller for $10!!! It was great to be able to put both of the babies in the stroller when it started to heat up outside. We liked to take walks every morning, and Serena loved having Bret next to her!

Rocky thought the playmat was for him. I think he wondered what took me so long to get it out! He liked to sit there and play with his toys! (Notice the octopus and ball!)

When I got the Bumbo out for Bret, Serena of course wanted to try it out. She still fits in it, heehee! She also had to try putting her baby in it (since her baby does everything Bret does). One morning, I put some toys on the tray for Bret, and guess what Serena did that afternoon??? ;) As you can see, she was pretty pleased about it!

Rocky also thinks the bouncy seat is for him! Come to think of it, I think he's struggled more with a desire to remain 'the baby of the family' more than Serena has, haha!

1 comment:

jules said...

hahaa - serena looks so much like you in that one with the bumbo! cracks me up SO much!!! :D