Thursday, July 21, 2011

Simple Love

Whenever Serena wakes up in the morning or from her nap in the afternoon, I walk into her room and she immediately either says, "Hi Bet!" (if I'm holding him) or "Bet? Bet?" (if I'm not holding him). So, yesterday, both babies woke up at about the same time. Bret was just making happy noises, so I decided to get Serena first since it is so much easier to pick her up with two hands, haha! I brought her into our room and plopped her on the bed next to Bret, who immediately turned into one big smile. I swear he smiles with his entire body! ;)

They are both always so happy to see each other. Bret watches Serena with wonder and interest in his eyes; and if she looks at him, he gives her a big smile. Serena shows Bret all the same affectionate gestures I do...kisses, blowing raspberries, pats, hugs, talking to him, giving him toys, laying down on the floor to play with him. She is willing to play with the most mundane baby toy if that's what he's playing with.

I had no idea what to expect Serena & Bret's relationship to be like. Since Serena is so deeply attached to me, I was prepared for at least some level of jealousy; but for whatever reason she has completely accepted Bret. She wants me to hold him and nurse him, even when I'm holding her. She has never pushed him away or resented his presence while she's playing...yet. ;) If she wants something when I'm nursing Bret, I just tell her we'll take care of it after Bret's done having ninny, and she's always content to wait. Their love for each other is sweet and simple; no pretenses; no conditions; no manipulations. I'm not naive enough to think that they will never quarrel, but I have high hopes for their future friendship!! And this baby stage has been much sweeter than I ever could have imagined!

Fresh and happy after naps

Serena really enjoyed posing with Bret

Kisses and giggles

I like this one because you can see how much they look alike!

My cuties

Happy babies!


your friend from Iowa said...

I love these pictures! I LOVE these BABIES!!

Julia Rabe said...

This is such a sweet post. I am so happy you guys have transitioned so well to a family of 4! Your babies are just adorable!!

jules said...

these are SO cute - i especially love the first and last ones:)