The last couple months have brought some very new and difficult situations for me. Things that have brought me face-to-face with the Worst of Me.
It started with Serena suddenly having some sort of sleep regression/renewed separation anxiety that woke me up 5-15 times per night for at least a week. Couple that with my normal 3 wake-up calls from Bret, and you have a very exhausted mommy. I doubted everything about how I was parenting Serena at night. Was I sabotaging her (our) sleep by going to her every time she woke? She is two, after all. Maybe it's time to let her cry it out (something I've always refused to do with my babies)? Oh, but those cries from my sweet baby-toddler could not be ignored! The first night, I had to sleep with her in order for her to sleep. The second night, I stayed in her room until she fell asleep in her own bed. On the subsequent nights, I would go to her when she cried and she would just hug me for a few moments before collapsing back in bed and falling back to sleep. But she would wake again, sometimes after just 10 minutes. I decided to stick to the advice that has helped me through many confusing and frustrating phases of baby-hood (whether it be sleep-related, breastfeeding-related, or behavior-related): Be consistent with what has always worked in the past; if a week goes by and we're still having issues, I'll consider making adjustments. I've rarely had to make adjustments in those types of situations. Eventually everything shakes out and the difficulties are soon forgotten...until I hear some other young mom mention a similar situation and it all comes flooding back, haha! ;) Well, so Serena finally started sleeping through the night again; just in time for Bret to start cutting his first teeth.
He was a wreck. I was a wreck. The only thing that kept me sane (sort of) was that he was such a sweet happy baby during the day. But at night, he was impossible. I was getting about 4 hours of interrupted sleep at night. If that doesn't make you start to feel a little crazy, I don't know what will. I craved sleep like I never have before. I cannot think of any other way to say it. I felt like crying just thinking about how much I wanted to sleep. I tried all the tricks I could think of or had ever heard of, but some nights Bret was absolutely inconsolable...and so was I. Those nights I knew I was face-to-face with the Worst of Me. I would sit in the rocking chair (he absolutely DID NOT want me to lay down and cuddle him...I had to be sitting up in the rocking chair to have even a chance of his falling back to sleep) holding my sobbing baby while I cried with him. Finally, the teeth cut through, and Bret got back to sleep...and so did I!
But I have had to face one other new difficulty in the last couple months that has forced me to deal with the Worst of Me in ways I never had to do before. About six weeks ago, right after Julie's wedding, my back went out like it does when I'm pregnant. I could not stand up straight. Walking, standing, and laying in bed brought great pain. Bending over, picking up babies, holding babies, changing and dressing babies...often had me on the brink of tears. Of course, I only did the bare minimum of what had to be done, got lots of help from Jordan, and we all coped somehow; but I hated it. I hated it. After a few days, it was over and life continued on like normal. But, a couple days ago, it was back (no pun intended, haha)! ;) I'm so used to being self-sufficient. I feel like I know my limitations, but they are very acceptable to me. Now that I'm having back pain, I am suddenly unable to keep house or cook nice meals. It's all I can do to pick Bret up and carry him from Point A to Point B. And it's not like these are chores that I'd rather not do anyway. I love taking care of my family and my home! But the joy I normally find in doing these things has been replaced by feelings of inadequacy and deep discouragement.
In all of these things, I found myself crying out to God repeatedly for relief. Just give me at least 2 hours of sleep in a ROW! That's not asking for much, is it? Is it selfish to pray for my poor baby to feel better and to stop crying? My heart ached for him as much as my body ached for rest. And then this back pain...please just ease it enough so I can take care of my family! I'm not even praying for strength to go spend an afternoon at the mall or some other frivolous activity. I just want to change my babies' diapers without being reduced to tears! Do you see where I'm headed here? In each of these situations, my thoughts and prayers quickly gave way to resentment as I realized God was not about to grant me a 'quick fix.'
Are there some trials that serve no good purpose? I know that in relation to others, my current 'trials' are extremely petty. And they don't seem to be accomplishing any good; they are only bringing out the Worst in Me; that which is Absolutely Unlovely. In the meantime, they are making life for my husband and babies rather unpleasant. I have all of these aspirations of being a good housekeeper, a loving wife, a compassionate mother; but these difficulties of sleeplessness and pain have rendered those worthy goals all but impossible. I have had a hard time seeing how these 'trials' are of any good to me or to my family. We were all doing just fine before they came along, thank you very much.
I thought I had a firm faith in God's goodness, but it has been shaken to the core (which was apparently rather shallow). I thought I was quite selfless in the execution of my roles as wife and mother, but I have learned that I am only selfless as long as everything is going my way. I thought that I was capable of any physical feat (within reason, of course), but I have found that I am not nearly as self-sufficient as I would like to think. I thought I had it all figured to live the sweet and simple little life God has laid before me, but instead I am tempted every hour to give in to my feelings of self-pity. It is not pleasant to find out how weak one truly is!
Is it possible that God's allowing these difficulties in my life at this time is really for the intention of making me more Christ-like? Because, in my finite way, it seems like I was being much more Christ-like before all this happened. Now, I find myself being very childish and selfish. It all seems so counter-intuitive. How am I to rejoice in the fact that God has allowed these circumstances that make it so much more difficult for me to live the life He has called me to?
I feel like I am only at the very start of this journey and there are still so many more lessons to be learned. I am constantly amazed at how easily I forget how God has blessed me already and instead focus on the things that I still want from him. It's a little ironic how I have since recognized this same tendency in my babies, though on a different scale. I am so thankful that God is so gracious, loving, and forgiving towards me and I hope that through this I will learn to model that to my own children! It is so hard to understand how God can continue to love me, even when I show such an ugly side when I do not get my way. And yet, I don't think twice about holding my sobbing two-year-old when she doesn't understand why I won't let her have her way. Is it possible we have a God Who loves us like that? I have so much to learn about Him...!
Jen- Your honesty melts my heart. I understand these feelings all too well. When we first moved I encountered a foot pain (Plantar Fascitis) and it was unbearable- nearly impossible to get out of bed. I felt like such a failure and helpless. It took months to get back to the norm of life but it definitely showed me that I am not in control.
But it hasn't stopped there. There are times that raising multiple children has shaken me so hard that I was really unsure whether I was even fit to be a mother. Fortunately, HE rescues me in those times and I find that praying through it is what my heart and soul needs the most. I am so thankful for His grace and mercy over my life.
I am so sorry to hear about your back- I saw you post about it on Facebook but I had no idea it was so bad. I wish I could come take your kids out for a few hours but since I can't, I will pray for you:)
Love, Sam
Love you, Jen. It reminds me of that saying something like Sometimes God knocks us off our feet so we'll look up at Him in our busy lives. I've struggled with some bitterness at work and striving to have a happy spirit through it - and it really makes me see how selfish I'm being. I really pray hard that God would soften my heart and give me joy that only comes from Him. Thanks for your post... praying for you, and miss you!
Praying for you to be strengthened in your inner and outer man. I recently read The Hiding Place and found it so helpful for my own perspective throughout the day. Betsie's constant awareness of God's goodness and love even in the midst of living and dying in a concentration camp puts my petty "overwhelm-ed-ness" to shame. Oh to love God with ALL my heart, soul, strength,... and aching back!;o)
Jen, I appreciate your transparency so much. I struggle so much certain days with my attitude, patience and emotions while parenting my 2 little cuties. I can't even imagine how hard it has been for you with no sleep and physical pain. I am so encouraged by your willingness to seek God in the hard times, trusting He has a plan. You are a great mommy and wife. May the Lord show Himself to you even more today. Love you!!
I was teary almost this entire post! Although my circumstances are different I too have struggled with the same feelings and questioning and self pity. I too have questioned my parenting especially lately with Carson. Some days I just want to give up, and i too felt the same as you before we moved and had to deal with all the new things.
Thank you for writing this out - it is an encouragement to read and know that God is working in your life and that we are not alone in this motherhood phase. keep it up - my mom always tells me - You're the perfect mother for the kids you have! I truly believe that.
Praying for healing and rest for you!
My dear Jenn, I just checked this blog today--Mom had told me your back was hurting bad again--but I didn't realize til I read this, just how bad it was, on top of Bret's teething. Bless your heart. You are a GREAT little mother for your little ones!! Don't ever doubt that. Thru the years God allows many hurts and trials in our lives..yes, always for our good and His glory. They do cause us to really turn to God whole-heartedly. Especially with issues of health for ourselves or those we love more than ourselves, we begin to realize that we are really not in control...God is! Yes, life is always a learning process and a growing process spiritually. I'm still learning, but, at those lowest times we do find God's grace is indeed sufficient and our faith has been exercised...sometimes to the fullest. I doubt that any of us parents ever feel like we are well-qualified for the lives God has given us to train up for Him. I know I didn't. Even at my age now, I need God's wisdom so very often. Oh, to be like Him one day! Thanks for sharing your heart and being so transparent. It helps all of us, and you, too. Let me share these verses with you: I Pet 1:7 / Phil 1:3 / II Cor 1:4. I love you so much,always, Gr'ma
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