Saturday, November 05, 2011

Pumpkin Carving!

We had a teen fall retreat at the camp this weekend, and one of the planned activities was pumpkin carving!  So, when Jordan made the trip to the Amish farm on Thursday to pick up 50 pumpkins, he brought one home for the little bambina!  We let Serena stay up late so we could carve it out after Jordan got home from hunting that night.  She loved the whole experience!  Here's pictures from our little pumpkin carving party:

Watching carefully as Daddy scooped out some guts

Serena helping get the guts out

So much fun!

Bret showing off his new trick (clapping)

It's going to be a kitty!

Serious observer

I got a piece of the pumpkin!!!

Serena with her pumpkin

I think we've entered the stage of I-don't-know-how-to-smile-normally-at-the-camera  :P

It's either a decent picture of her not looking at the camera, or a silly face of her looking at the camera.  Which picture is better????

The lid fascinates her


I like this one!

All lit up

1 comment:

Julie said...

I LOVE THESE!!!! What a fun thing for her to look back on! Thanks for documenting - love all Serena's serious/interested faces! I bet she was thrilled:)