Friday, December 02, 2011

Thanksgiving Moments

 We spent the Thanksgiving weekend with Jordan's family up in Cedar Rapids.  The kids & I spent a morning/afternoon shopping with my Mom and Julia, Kaden & Keira, which was so fun!  Keira had unfortunately had a rough night, but Kaden & Serena had a great time together.  I get such a kick out of watching them interact.  Kaden's very literal almost-4-year-old mind has been trying to fathom the fact that Serena likes to be called Pookie even though her name is Serena.  (I'm right with him, haha!)  It's pretty funny!

The whole Horak clan was over for Thanksgiving dinner, which was, as usual, a wonderful spread!  Always good to see everyone again!

Andria & I

Daddy and Pookie (I love this one!)

Jordan & Luke

Jordan & Grant
 On Black Friday, Andria, Anna, and I (along with the babies, Bret & Gabe) braved the holiday crowds to do a little shopping.  We left the 'big' girls with Grandma & Grandpa!  We weren't too crazy...we headed out a little after 9...but we still snagged a few deals!  :)

Meanwhile, according to the pictures, the girls stayed very happy and busy!

Helping Grandma do laundry

Playing piano (isn't this SUCH a sweet picture??)

More music (I love this one too!)
Friday evening, Jordan, Grant, & I (and Bret) went up to Jesup to participate in a Teen Bible Study up there.  We once again left Serena with Grandma & Grandpa.  Yeah, Serena.  The girl who has only been left by her parents for a couple of hours at a time, times?  Oh, and for 5 hours in the middle of the night when Bret was born.  And here I hardly saw her all day!  By the time we got back from shopping, it was time for her to take a nap.  Then, she was only up for about an hour before we had to leave again!  AND Mommy wasn't there to put her to bed!  But, thankfully, it all went really well!  She had so much fun with Grandma & Grandpa and Grant & Anna!  And when it was bedtime, she went very sweetly with Grandma.  She took a couple of hours to actually fall asleep, but never became upset and was soundly sleeping by the time we got home.  :)

Playing with Grandpa

Going potty and putting stickers on the paper!  Grandma added a new element of fun by giving her a magnet to stick it on the fridge with!

Grandma & Serena

Serena discovered a stash of dolls under the stairs!  She carried them out one by one so they could 'go sleepy' on the island in the kitchen!  ;)

Anna & I made pumpkin spice lattes for everyone Saturday.  I think we were fighting over who got to lick out the Cool Whip tub!  I'm sure I won!  ;D

1 comment:

jules said...

I WANT A PUMPKIN SPICE LATTE!!! :D Looks like you guys had a great time with family! I really like all the pictures:) You need to start sticking a few on Facebook, too, for updated albums! Loves!!