Saturday, April 06, 2013

I Don't Want to Forget

I don't want to forget...

  • The duck phase.  It has lasted for a good week and a half now!  Serena even took her duck fantasies to Grandma & Grandpa's house earlier this week, and, oh! the fun that was had by all as they pandered to Mrs. Mallard!  One night, Serena walked into the living room eating a banana, and Jordan teased her that she was a monkey since she was eating a banana.  Serena responded that she was a duck.  When he told her ducks don't eat bananas, she still asserted that she was a duck.  So, he caught her and wouldn't let her go.  After she struggled and struggled, he finally told her that if she could fly out of his arms, he would let her go.  Grandpa came to her rescue, and helped her "fly" out of Daddy's arms, and then around the room.  Serena loved it!  (And usually she doesn't really like being held up high, but she flapped her arms and quacked happily!)  After that, if Jordan made any monkey comments, Serena would very coolly respond, "Quack, quack."
  • Grandma & Grandpa's giraffe.  They texted a couple pictures of him a few days before we arrived at their house, and Serena was SO excited to see the giraffe.  Giraffes are her "best," you know.

When we arrived at Jordan's parents' house at 1:45am, a groggy little Serena still had the wherewithal to wonder aloud as Jordan carried her into the house, "I wonder if we'll see the giraffe sleeping?"  The giraffe was sleeping on the kitchen table.  ;)  Serena was filled with amazement at the sight of him, and had a little trouble falling back to sleep...until she'd gotten a chance to talk to Grandma about him and make sure she could feed him some leaves and THREE carrots first thing in the morning.  The giraffe kept her very busy, especially during the first day of our visit!

  • The conversations we've had with Mrs. Mallard.  We took the kids to a park down on the river on Jordan's day off.  There's a bridge that goes out to a little island, and of course there are lots of ducks and geese around.  Jordan kept threatening to throw Serena in the water so she could swim around (since she's a duck), but she wanted nothing to do with it.  "I will swim this summer when it's warm," she said.  And she gave the river (and Jordan) a very wide berth.  Especially when Jordan picked Bret up and pretended he was going to throw him in!  Serena just about had a heart attack, but Bret loved it!  Those two!  As we were getting in the car to drive home, Jordan started teasing Serena that she wasn't a duck since she wouldn't swim.  "Well, I just don't want to swim here.  But I will swim at the zoo.  You can take me to the zoo and I will swim there.  You can just leave me there and come visit me if you want to see some ducks," she said.
  • That the duck phase almost ended yesterday afternoon!  Serena had been listening to "Winnie the Pooh" on CD during her quiet time. (These are the original stories, even read with English accents!  I'm amazed that she can understand all that they are saying, let alone follow the stories, but she's loving them!)  Afterwards, she told me that she had a little friend that is a rabbit.  "And a Kanga and a little Roo, too.  Actually, I'm not a duck anymore.  I have all the same friends as Winnie the Pooh.  And Winnie the Pooh."  She stuck with it for the rest of the day, too!  In the evening, I told her to go make sure her bed was ready for sleeping (it always has tons of books on it from quiet time), and she suddenly had this "wheels-a-turnin'" look on her face.  "Mommy, I didn't have time to pull my covers up on my bed like usually, so I will just sleep in my nest one more time."  Quite honestly, the duck phase has been so fun, that I wasn't sure I was ready for her to give up her nest just yet, so I was more than happy to agree with her!  This morning, however, she was back to being a duck.  At one point, when I addressed her as Serena, she said with a sigh, "I wish everyone would quit changing my name.  I'm getting tired of everyone calling me the wrong name."  Wellllll......  ;)

  •  Bret's response to Auntie Anna's "threat" to eat him.  Without missing a beat, he said, "No!  Don't eat me!  I'm the Gingerbread Boy!"  Classic example of how well he is paying attention!  I have never read that story to him, and the last time I read it to Serena was AT LEAST a month ago!
  • How Bret says, "Is that my mommy?" when I come in to his room when he cries for me at night.  One of these days, I'm going to say, "No, I'm a fox and I'm here to EAT UP the Gingerbread Boy!!!"  ;)

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