Tuesday, August 29, 2006

You know it's a bad day on the job when...

...you can't even spell the word "STOP" right!

All of the roads at Northland have been either seal-coated or repaved over these last couple of weeks. This project was a huge answer to prayer for God's provision for the funds that were needed. Last night the work crew was out till 9:00 finishing the restriping and other painting that needed to be done. And this morning, lo and behold, the word "stop" on the way out of campus through the main entrance had been misspelled! I asked one of the guys to go up there and take a picture for me...it makes me crack up every time I see it!


Jess said...

hahaha! u got mom and i laughing! :) that is SO funny! - i'm glad you thought to take a pic! see u soon!
jess & mom :)

jules said...

i can't believe it! :) hahaa........

jajurabe said...

that is SOO Funny!!! Jason was cracking up!! ha ha ha.

Mr. Gaugler said...


what they may have been trying to say was...

"Sotp... and go to college and learn to spell"

Jen... I just think you are being a little to hard on them!

Laura Kimbrough said...

hahahahhahahaa...o that is sooo funny! THIS IS WARE I GO 2 COLAGE! :D

Sara Marie said...

Thats some funny stuff, I gotta see that once! They should have him go back and take spelling tests. Miss you Jenn!

Kristin said...

I cann't believe that someone would misspell it! It is something to laugh at.