Wednesday, September 06, 2006

Just a quickie...

I know it's been a long time since I've updated, so I'll just put a couple new pix on here and say hi to my faithful visitors (especially MoM!!!). :) These pix are from last week when Mom was dropping Jess off for school. (If we look a little hot and wind-blown, it's because we took these pictures right after we had just finished moving all of Jess's stuff into her dorm room! What a work-out! Haha!) I have more pix from this week that I want to blog, but they are on Laura's camera, so I'll have to get them from her. Hope everyone is having a good week!


jules said...

YAY! fun new pictures! :) i was SO excited when i saw a new update! u guys do look rather hot and glistening ;) but i know what a job that can be!
(hope to see you O SO SOON!)

Christa Schofield said...

Hey Jenn!!!
Just wanted to leave you a hello from me! I'm missing you a lot and hope all is going well for you. That's a cute picture of you and your mom!! Love You Tons!!
Love Yah,