Friday, September 22, 2006

"Bone" head of the day!

This one will make you laugh so hard!! Click the button below and make sure you have the sound turned up on your computer! :D

Hope everyone has a great weekend! Be sure to watch out for your never know when they might try to steal your food! Heehee! ;)


Sara Marie said...

I LOVE THIS VIDEO! the dog is so dumb! I sent this to my mom to watch!~!~!

Jess said...

HAHAHAHAA! even though i already saw it when i stopped to see you in your office the other day, i STILL laughed so hard when i watched it! i love it! and what you said about "watching out for your feet" made me laugh, too! heehee! i love it!
jess :)

jules said...

o my word! i was laughing SO hard!!!!! (definitely started crying!)
miss you soooo much, see you SOON! :)

carissa said...

very funny. Andrew kept replaying it and he asked whose dog it was. I almost told him it was Jordan's :) Have a great day.