Monday, October 02, 2006

Here they are!

These are my new dishes! I've actually had them for quite a while now, but I kept forgetting to take a picture (and I know how you all were just dying to see what they looked like). Silly me. :)


carissa said...

I'M DYING...OR I'M GREEN WITH ENVY...OR I LOVE YOU ENOUGH TO JUST BE HAPPY THAT YOU HAVE GORGEOUS DISHES :) thanks for your help on Sunday! what a blessing you are.

Christa Schofield said...

Oh Jenn, they are beautiful. What an addition to your home! I'm glad that the Lord finally allowed you to get them. Love YOu and Miss you TONS!!!! Thanks for our phone conversation last night! I love you.

Jess said...

i've seen all your dishes individually, but not all together like that yet! i love them! how fun!! :)
jess :)

jules said...

i am pretty my dying to see anything NEW on your blog right now ;) hahaa..
your dishes are lovely, i can't wait to come up and use them!!!
love you and miss you...

Anonymous said...

does Jordan get to buy a new gun then?