Tuesday, October 03, 2006

Sunday Afternoon

We had such a beautiful day on Sunday, so I asked Jordan if we could go to 12-foot Falls after church. We brought Jessica, Laura, and Emily along with us and took lots of fun pictures. I wish the pictures could do the scenery justice! We are so lucky to live in such a pretty place!


jajurabe said...

fun pictures!! yeah for a nice day before winter!! aghhhhh. we must enjoy it while it lasts!!

Christa Schofield said...

Wow, those are soooooo cute! I just love pictures. I feel so bad for the people in Bible Times up until the first camera! How horrible to have to depend on your memory for those special times! :0) Okay, I know that was kinda random, but it's true. I just love Pictures!!!!! Love you Girl!

jules said...

O I LOVE THOSE PICTURES!!!!!!!!!!! they look so awesome! see you soon :)

Jess said...

thanks for taking us to the falls, u guys! the weather has been so beautiful it was so nice to be able to be out and enjoy it! love you guys!
jess :)

Paula said...

Oh, wow! These pictures are great - and it's good to see a little bit of you guys.
